1. If your going to buy Airsoft gear you have to take baby steps, plan where you will be playing (close quarters, or big fields). If you are playing in an open field you should probably be looking at rifles, but if you like closer ranges then that, well close quarters is your game so look at pistols all the way to sub-machine guns.
2. Another question, do you like to sit back and "pick people off" as they run by or be "in" the action shooting a lot and having the chance to get shot at. If your answer was "yeah i like sitting back and watching everything happen". Then your a sniper person
Cheaper Prices
3. If your going to buy Airsoft ammo then buy the BIG bag its more for your money
4. If you want to buy extra gear like tactical vests, holsters, grenades, helmets, etc. look at where your playing again, If your sniping then you wouldn't really need as much protection as the guys/girls in the field getting shot up
5. always wear a helmet, or goggles.
Story Time
When I was 16 Years Of Age i had gotten shot in the eye, i always said "oh i cant get shot in the eye what are the chances of that?". But now I am 20 in July and have 50% vision out of my left eye i can barley drive, I'm telling you all this now so it doesn't happen to you in the future.
It just isn't a sport, its a lifestyle
Looking to Buy Airsoft Guns that are hard hitting, and will help you win the airsoft war against your friends, then I would suggest checking out Metal Airsoft Guns because they are made better and shoot harder than the plastic guns.
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