New to Airsoft?
Airsoft as a sport has been around since 1950s East Asia, specifically Japan where firearms were difficult or impossible to obtain due to local laws; sought a legal alternative for enjoying their passion. Airsoft is still today most popular in several Asian regions, such as Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, and to a certain extent, the Philippines, and Indonesia. The vast majority of airsoft guns, accessories, and after market upgrade parts are also manufactured in these countries.
Airsoft participants organize meetings, either indoors or outdoors, at dedicated airsoft battlefields to play a variety of games ranging from short-term skirmishes, organized scenarios, military simulations, or historical reenactments. Combat situations on the battlefield often involve the use of common military tactics to achieve the objectives set in each game.
The guns used in a skirmish vary considerably, from SMG's (sub machine guns), assault rifles, sniper rifles and pistols. The most common type of gun found in a skirmish is an AEG or Auto-Electric-Gun, mainly due to high rate of fire and long charge time in the battery used. Airsoft guns are all too often confused with BB guns and this is something that cause damage to the reputation of the sport. A Bb Gun operate under spring, gas or pump and are capable of propelling a metal bearing at speeds approaching 1000 fps. These devices are used by some shooters as a practice weapon or to hunt fowl and small game. While an airsoft gun can operate under gas, spring or electric power and fire a 6mm plastic pellet at speeds around 300fps. The internet is obviously the primary source of information for airsoft enthusiasts and can sometimes contain inaccurate information for upgrading/downgrading guns and increasing the rate of fire of a gun.
Improve Rate of Fire & Feet Per Second of your Airsoft Gun
AirsoftPress have released a new e-book aimed at helping the average airsofter to increase the FPS and ROF of an average AEG. Put simply it is a guide on Airsoft Gun Optimization. To achieve ultra high FPS, you need to make sure the entire mechbox mechanism is optimized in such a way that the desired FPS can be produced without sacrificing ROF and battery life. High FPS performance must be achieved with practicality in mind - you should not need to trade off power with other performance factors, and the gears should not get striped too easily.
On the other hand, to achieve ultra high ROF you'll need to make sure the entire mechbox mechanism is optimized in such a way that piston movement is fast enough to produce the rate of fire desired. That means you need to use techniques to reduce the friction introduced due to fast movement, to ensure the spring can rebound fast enough after compression, and to reduce the overall workload of the gears and the motor.
The primary goal of this guide is to help you improve FPS and ROF in a cost effective way. Different mechbox modification techniques are covered. Additionally, the issues of air tightness and battery configuration which are outside of the mechbox but are still highly relevant to the overall airsoft AEG performance are also addressed. The goal of proper air sealing is to fill every gap along the air flow path to minimize air leakage and create an efficient environment for propelling BBs out of the barrel. We teach you how to maximize air seal at the two most critical areas along the air flow path, which are the cylinder set (from piston to air nozzle) and the Barrel / Hopup set. The correct voltage on which an AEG motor is required to operate is critical. Every motor model is unique. Different models have different operating characteristics. In general, a 5% decrease in voltage can often translate into a 10% decrease in motor torque. The goal of this section is to help you determine the correct type of battery pack to use for your AEG, as well as to teach you the corresponding charging techniques. Many Airsoft dealers are using the Airsoft publications as reference guides when repairing broken AEG's. The beauty of being able to repair or tweak your own Airsoft gun is that you save money on repair services and have the satisfaction of repairing your own gun.
Jim Dunlop is an avid Airsoft enthusiast and online marketer. For a copy of Airsoft Press click the following link
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