2012年3月2日 星期五

Airsoft Machine Guns - A Look at the Echo 1 Model 249 PARA Airsoft Machine Gun

Utilizing airsoft machine guns in your battles in the field is a huge advantage for the team that has incorporated them into their weapons arsenal. These guns are able to shoot tremendous amounts of ammunition at the enemy and have a valuable place among their cousins, the airsoft rifle and the sniper rifle.

The Echo 1 Model 249 PARA airsoft machine weapon is made by Echo 1 USA Airsoft. It is a SAW or squad automatic weapon. This gun is a full metal construction weapon and has a detailed finish that mimics the real gun. Among airsoft machine guns, the Model 249 PARA is one of the more lifelike guns on the market today.

The Model 249 PARA incorporates a metal bi-pod that has a folding ability and also has a skeletal stock with an included shoulder rest that will allow the shooter greater ability to rain fire down on their opponents on the battlefield. The Echo 1 has a muzzle velocity of 360 feet per second, decent speed among airsoft machine guns. The huge box magazine has the ability to hold 2400 rounds of ammunition, so running out of BBs is never going to be a concern.

Positioning of the SAW should always be in a higher elevation above the battlefield if possible. This allows the shooter a better view of the field, somewhat like that of a sniper. Lying prone on the ground is a more vulnerable position anyway, so being up hill allows the shooter more time to react to the enemies movements as they will take longer to ascend the hill to the position of the shooter.

Airsoft machine guns such as the Echo 1 Model 249 PARA are a valuable weapon to incorporate into your next battle. They bring a lot of fire power and are able to lay down a massive base of fire towards the enemy. They definitely will give you a huge advantage over your opponents.

Rob Stouffer is the owner of [http://www.airsoftaddiction.com] and devotes his time to researching and testing the latest in airsoft products. To find out more about airsoft machine guns [http://www.airsoftaddiction.com/catalog/item/7127526/7283703.htm] such as the Echo1 Model 249 PARA, visit AirsoftAddiction.com today.

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